Upscale Weddingoutfits by the Original!

Andrea, Lucardis, Markus and Melanie: Customer Service Team
Andrea, Lucardis, Markus and Melanie: Customer Service Team
Heike, Stina and Samira: Tailor Team
Heike, Stina and Samira: Tailor Team

Lucardis Feist is a German Fashion Designer Lady. She and her husband Markus create the

extraordinary Weddingstyles and Stageoutfits for many lovely People all around the World.

The funny Team of Tailors and creative People win many Awards in Germany and make

Outfits for Stars, Artists and Wedding Couple in his own wildromantic

way. In Germany the Team is a part of the Series "Zwischen Tüll und Tränen",

it is like "Say Yes For A Dress".

Fancy bridal fashion, Coloured wedding dress, Luxury bridal wear, Designer bridal wear, upscale wedding dresses, Extravagant bridal fashion, Extravagant wedding dress
Lucardis, Markus and the Team from Feist Style. 3 Tailors, 3 Office Team. 20 years experience. The founder of extraordinary wedding.